Procedures and dates of diploma examinations in a.d. 2022/23

Procedures and dates of diploma examinations in a.d. 2022/23

For Supervisors and Reviewers


A Graduate’s ABC for 2022/2023

-for supervisors –

Procedure for the submission of a diploma paper and the conduct of a diploma examination for Cognitive science – download

Procedura składania pracy dyplomowej i przeprowadzania egzaminu dyplomowego na kierunku Cognitive science – download


  • Diploma examinations are conducted in a stationary mode.

At the request of the thesis supervisor, the Head of the Teaching Unit may decide to conduct the diploma exam in a remote mode. The rules for conducting the diploma exam in such a mode are specified in the Order No. 120 of the Rector of the UW dated 05.06.2020 on submitting the diploma thesis and conducting the diploma exam in a remote mode, as amended.

Diploma examinations will be held in the period until 31.07.2023 and from 01.09.2023.
(in the month of August until 28.08.2032 the organization of defenses will not be possible due to the vacation period).


  • According to par. 47(2) of the Regulations of the UW Studies:

At the request of the student or at the request of the thesis supervisor, the Head of the Teaching Unit (KJD) may extend the period of study, but no longer than three months, excluding the period of leave, from the scheduled date of graduation, in case of:

1) prolonged illness of the student, confirmed by the opinion of the BON issued on the basis of the student’s medical records;

2) inability to prepare the thesis by the applicable deadline for legitimate reasons beyond the control of the student or the thesis supervisor.

The regulatory/scheduled deadline for graduation is 30.09.2023. This deadline may be extended for the specified period and in the given cases as indicated above.


IMPORTANT – deadline for submitting master thesis for the defences planned for July is July 10, and for the defences planned for September is September 8. In August the defences do not take place.


The diploma exam shall be held within three months from the date of submission of the diploma thesis, but no later than the day preceding the scheduled date of graduation (paragraph 48(2) of the UW Academic Regulations).


  • Deadlines for the submission of diploma theses

The thesis shall be submitted, i.e. uploaded to the Thesis Archive in the form of a PDF file no later than 14 days before the scheduled diploma exam (UW Academic Regulations para. 47 para. 1 and Order No. 120 of the Rector of UW dated 05.06.2020 on submission of the diploma thesis and conducting the diploma exam remotely, as amended para. 5 para. 2).

It is not necessary to submit a printed and bound/binded version of the thesis to the student section.

RESOLUTION No. 441 of the SENATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW on the adoption of the Rules and Regulations for Studies at the University of Warsaw, dated June 19, 2019.

ORDINANCE No. 120 OF THE REKTOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW concerning the submission of the thesis and the conduct of the diploma exam remotely, dated June 5, 2020.


  • Thesis/review confidentiality

At the request of the Dissertation Supervisor or the student (application form downloadable in the „Downloads” section), the dissertation, as well as its reviews, may be classified due to the subject of the dissertation being a legally protected secret, or when the information contained in the dissertation is subject to protection under the regulations on the protection of classified information. This request is considered by the Head of the Teaching Unit. Depending on the qualification of the thesis and the granting of protection and its scope, a given thesis may, for example: not be subject to the obligation of examination in the Uniform Anti-Plagiarism System, may not be posted in the National Repository of Written Theses, reviews are subject to the exclusion of openness.



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