Career Planning Workshop for International Students

Welcome Point invites all long-term international students to the next edition of ‘Career Planning’ workshops with our expert Dr. Joanna Jasińska.

The purpose of our workshop is:

familiarizing participants with the current trends on the Polish labor market, the expectations of employers and methods of effective job search,
clarification of skills and predispositions and individual professional goals of workshop participants,
creating a platform for exchanging experiences of workshop participants related to searching and working in Poland
discussion on the rules for creating application documents (CV and cover letter) and their preparation,
creating (general) vocational activation plan for each participant,
simulation of interview with the employer regarding work – self-presentation.

The workshop will be conducted in English and will take place on 22nd March, 2023 from 9 am to 4 pm.

Workshop hours include a break and a meal, ordered especially for the participants.

The Faculty of Modern Languages
address: Dobra 55. The room number will be announced later


2nd and 3rd year students of first cycle (Bachelor’s degree)
4th and 5th year students of uniform Master studies
students of second cycle (Master’s degree)

To register please fill in the form available at

Application deadline: 14th March (Tuesday) 2023, 12 pm.

BCI spring school

Learn from renowend, international experts and join the BR41N.IO Designers’ Hackathon to create your own brain-computer interface or biomedical applications. This event is targeting biomedical engineers, neuroscientists, or researchers brain-computer interface and neuromodulation.

Elite universities typically require you to register for 13 credits per semester, which costs about $50,000 USD. We provide cutting-edge education for free and have an exam at the end of the Spring School.

Website link:

Remember about health insurance and take care of yourself!

It is important to remember that it is necessary for international students and workers at the University of Warsaw to have health insurance in order to get a proper medical treatment. Otherwise, doctor appointments, including prescribed treatment and medications, are covered by students and employees on their own. Therefore, it is highly recommended to obtain public or private health insurance for the whole period of stay in Poland.



It is possible to obtain health insurance at National Health Fund (Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia; NFZ). A detailed information how and where to apply is available on our page:

Health & Insurance


Students and employees at the University of Warsaw are able to receive free 3rd and 4th dose of vaccination against Covid-19 and a vaccination certificate. Details about vaccinations and appointment reservations are available here.

Workshop on machine learning techniques

On March 26 and April 2 at the Faculty of Physics, a next session of a Workshop on machine learning techniques for students and University researchers will be held. The Workshop is organized by the Machine Learning Center UW. The Center was established as part of the IDUB program. This edition of the Workshop is aimed at people who want to learn

the basics of machine learning. At the moment, the Workshops are planned in a remote form, and the limit of participants is 50 persons. The Workshop program can be found at the Workshop website:

This session will be held in english. If you are interested in participating, please register using the form available on the Workshop website. 

Summer workshops „Understanding and Supporting Caregiver-Child Interactions”

We invite students, PhD students and post docs to participate in free summer workshops „Understanding and Supporting Caregiver-Child Interactions” organized by the 4EU + Alliance.

The workshop will be held on September 17-23, 2021 at the University of Heidelberg (Germany).

Applications can be submitted until August 15, 2021 to the address

Details below.


The idea of the workshop

Since 2019, experts from different disciplines (medicine, psychology, cognitive neuroscience) and from different European sites (Warsaw, Milan, Copenhagen, Heidelberg) jointly investigate caregiver-child interactions in typical and atypical caregiver-child dyads. In addition, we already offered the first international seminar for students from all four sites last spring term. Now we would like to share our methodological and theoretical knowledge with even more students, meeting in person (if possible), providing stimulating theoretical discussions, practical insights into new research techniques (e.g. fMRI, EEG, fNIRS, video-microanalysis), and jointly thinking about how to promote international teaching. For BA- and MA- students who successfully apply, the EU will fund any costs for travelling and accommodation.


Tentative schedule

Day 1 (Friday)

  • Students will get to know each other and exchange experiences
  • Joint Dinner

Day 2 (Saturday)

  • Presentations of Group leaders and their teams (Warsaw, Milan)
  • Discussion about new research articles on caregiver-child interactions, considering different disciplinary perspectives.
  • Discussion about potential new research projects(e.g. BA /MA /PhD theses)

Days 3 (Sunday)

  • Presentation of Group leaders and their teams (Copenhagen, Heidelberg)
  • Discussion of new research articles on caregiver-child interactions, considering different disciplinary perspectives.
  • Discussion about potential new research projects(e.g. BA /MA /PhD theses)

Day 4 (Monday)

  • Introduction to SECORE and INTERACT
  • First experience with applying the coding systemin tandems
  • Reflecting on potential difficulties related to cross-cultural comparisons of corresponding data, thus actively adapting the coding scheme to become a culture-fair

Day 5 (Tuesday)

  • Tour of the new “Interaction Lab” at Heidelberg University
  • Introduction to various techniques for assessing interactive quality at the biological, physiological, neurophysiological and behavioral
  • Practicing the SECORE coding with INTERACT

Day 6 (Wednesday)

  • Group work: Developing a teaching concept for a seminar on “Understanding and supporting caregiver-child interactions” at the BA-level. This course will be held in spring 2022, and those students who want to gain teaching experience will be invited to serve as peer-teachers in this
  • Dinner together

Day 7 (Thursday)

  • Departure


Who is eligible to apply for funded participation?

BA- and MA-students, as well as PhD students or Postdocs with a high interest in learning about how to investigate caregiver-child interactions – preferably if they are interested in writing a thesis with one or more members of the project group as supervisors.


How can you apply?

Contact dr Agnieszka Pluta

Please provide:

  1. Your CV and Transcript of Records
  2. A motivational letter explaining why you want to participate
  3. A statement regarding your COVID-19 protection (vaccination)

Please turn in your application until August 15th (latest!!!)


What happens in case of a new lockdown?

The workshop plan will be adjusted and we will provide you with a stimulating online- course.


What makes it worth attending?

  •  You will gain theoretical and practical expertise on caregiver-child interactions and how to investigate
  • You become part of a team that promotes collaboration within the EU
  • You have multiple international experts to discuss new research ideas with (for your thesis or just for fun)
  • You practice your
  • You may make new
  • You will get the chance to promote international teaching by helping develop the next student course for spring
  • You get a certificate for your participation which you can add to your


UW’s operation as of 1st July

On 18th June, Prof. Alojzy Nowak, Rector of the University of Warsaw, has issued an ordinance on the operation of UW in the state of the COVID-19 epidemic. As of 1st July 2021, UW returns to on-site functioning.

As Poland’s epidemic situation has improved, COVID-19 vaccines widely available, and the restrictions have been eased, the UW Rector has issued the ordinance on the functioning of the University of Warsaw in the state of the COVID-19 epidemic.

The document includes information on the return to the university’s on-site operation, doctoral examinations, and the organisation of summer schools, team-building meetings and meetings of university bodies.

As of 1st July, the following regulations will apply:
  • UW operates under general rules – on-site. In justified cases, remote work, and online meetings of certain bodies at the University of Warsaw, are possible.
  • UW academic community members and visitors must obey all the hygienic and sanitary regulations. They result from the applicable provisions of law and the recommendations and guidelines of the Chief Sanitary Inspector.
  • Individuals with possible symptoms of COVID-19 and individuals who live in the same household with someone with COVID-19 are not permitted to stay at the UW premises.
  • Public events, meetings, gatherings, open lectures, conferences, courses and training may be held on-site with the permission of heads of unites or Chancellor. 
  • Summer schools, camps, and meetings may take place on-site in compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements.
  • The University of Warsaw Library and other libraries make their collections accessible to users, complying with sanitary and hygienic requirements. If there are technical possibilities, libraries may operate in self-service mode.

More information on the ordinance >>


Using and acquiring abstract concepts and words is at the core of many domains in psychology and cognitive science. We will devote a three-day free, online Symposium to the review of the state of the art and identify key challenges for theory-building with some of the leading scientists in the field. We cordially invite you to this virtual event organized by BALLAB (Body Action & Language Lab), Sapienza University of Rome within the TRAINCREASE EU Twinning consortium (University of Warsaw, Rome La Sapienza, University of Manchester & Aarhus University). 


March 15th-16th-17th

Conference website >>


Using abstract concepts (e.g., „freedom”) is one of the most sophisticated abilities humans possess. In this conference, some of the leading scientists in the field propose novel perspectives on abstract concepts, their acquisition, representation, and use. The first session is dedicated to the influence of inner speech and language on abstract concepts use and representation. The second session focuses on novel interactive methods to investigate abstract concepts and on abstract concepts variability across cultures and languages. Finally, the third session addresses the role of sensorimotor and interoceptive, emotional, and metacognitive aspects on abstract concepts acquisition, representation, and use.

Invited Speakers and sessions

  1. Language

1.1.Inner speech

    • Helene Lovenbruck (University of Grenoble)

    • Charles Fernyhough (Durham University)

1.2. Abstract concepts and language

    • Guy Dove (University of Louisville)

    • Peter Langland-Hassan (University of Cincinnati)

    • Penny Pexman (University of Calgary)

    • Gary Lupyan (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

    • Dedre Gentner (Northwestern University)

  1. Social interaction and cultures

2.1. Abstract concepts in social interaction

    • Martin Pickering (University of Edinburgh)

    • Mikko Sams (Aalto University)

    • Katharina Rohlfing (Padeborn University)

    • Agnieszka Wykowska (Italian Institute of Technology, Genoa)

2.2. Abstract concepts across cultures and languages

    • Joanna Rączaszek-Leonardi (University of Warsaw)

    • Bodo Winter (University of Birmingham)

    • Jack Sidnell (University of Toronto)

  1. Grounding

3.1. Sensorimotor and inner grounding of abstract concepts

    • Larry Barsalou (Glasgow University)

    • Louise Connell (Lancaster University)

    • Nicholas Shea (University of London)

3.2. Abstract concepts, interoception, emotions and metacognition

    • Laura Barca (ISTC-CNR, Rome)

    • Marta Ponari (University of Kent)

    • Luca Tummolini (ISTC-CNR, Rome)

    • Anna Borghi (Sapienza University of Rome) (introduction)

    • and the TRAINCREASE members (conclusion)


Registration is not mandatory; the conference will be streamed to the TRAINCREASE YouTube channel (subscribe!). However, your contact information may help us resolve any technical problems that may occur (e.g. changes to the schedule or technical issues). Therefore, we encourage you to sign in the form:

Save the date! March: 15th, 16th and 17th, from 2.30 pm CET.

Feel free to pass this information to your colleagues and students, as well as spread the news in social media. For your convenience below we attach the links for the conference social media activities:

This is the first appointment of various events on abstract concepts organized by TRAINCREASE, so stay tuned!

INTERSTUDENT 2021 – competition for the best foreign student in Poland

The 11th edition of the INTERSTUDENT competition for the best international student in Poland is here! The competition is aimed at international students in Poland at Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level who through their activities build bridges between cultures and enrich the Polish academic environment.

Candidates should be active in such fields as culture, social life, ecology or sports and promote multicultural ideas among their peers. They are also expected to be in good academic standing.

Candidatures for INTERSTUDENT 2021 contest can be submitted by professors, tutors, university authorities, international offices, student governments, as well as candidate’s colleagues.

Previous editions of the competition show that the winners become outstanding “ambassadors” of their Alma Mater and our country in general.

The official results of the competition will be announced during the annual conference “Foreign students in Poland”, which will be held on February 11-12, 2021 (on-line)

Application deadline: 20th of January, 2021

You can find more information on the contest, as well as the application form, here.


‘Mindfulness in academic and everyday life’ workshops for international students

The Welcome Point team understands how important it is to take care of your well-being, especially during a pandemic, so this time we want to invite you to ‘Mindfulness in academic and everyday life’ workshops.

During the event you will learn what mindfulness is and how to apply this practice in our everyday life. You will learn about the benefits of using mindfulness at university and at work. It will also be a great opportunity to spend your free time in a pleasant, supportive atmosphere!

Our workshops are practical, therefore participants will be asked to express their opinion and work in groups.

 21st-22nd January, 2021, 11:00 am. – 2:30 pm.

Please note that attendance during two days of workshops is required.

WHERE? If you qualify for the workshop, we will send you a link to the meeting.


Who can participate? 

  • 2nd and 3rd year students of first cycle (Bachelor’s degree)
  • 4th and 5th year students of uniform Master studies
  • students of second cycle (Master’s degree)
Please note that these workshops are only dedicated to long-term students, not exchange students

Hurry up! The places are limited.

To register to the course please fill in the form.

Application deadline: 14th January (Thursday) 2021, 12 pm.

Please also join our FB event.

‘Mindfulness in academic and everyday life’ workshop is organised within the Integrated Development Programme at the University of Warsaw and funded by European Social Fund. The objective, pursuing at the University of Warsaw between 2018-2022, is to develop competence of students and employees as well as implement the instruments which upgrade the management process of the University of Warsaw.


Source >>