5th International Conference on Interactivity, Language & Cognition


We invite you to participate in the 5th international conference CILC 2020: Conference on Interactivity, Language & Cognition, organized by the Laboratory of Interactivity and Language Research (Faculty of Psychology of the University of Warsaw) and the International Society for the Study of Interactivity, Language and Cognition (ISSILC). The conference will be held on 16-20 September 2020 at the Auditorium Maximum of the University of Warsaw.

Our aim is to bring together researchers working within several approaches, which are allied by their focus on preserving the value-realizing and qualitative aspects of human behavior and experience and by seeking quantitative methods that enable this. Within ecological, enactive, cognitive ethnographic and dynamical systems frameworks there is a long-standing worry about reducing persons, their deeds and feelings to measurements and relating the measurements to each other by (most often) linear models. Yet the dialogue among them and the exchange of research experience on the methodological level seem still rather limited, each approach developing predominantly their own valuable ways of investigations, responding to the specific needs of its domain.

With this conference we aim to strengthen the ongoing conversations and strike new encounters among researchers from these, and others, approaches, to unite them in a common concern for the complexity, richness and fragility of individual and collective cognition as it arises from language-infused interactions. We will try to give due weight to the qualitative methods, under the assumption that the best “measuring device” for human purposes is another human being: we have evolved not only to read each other but to feel with each other and act together. In seeking “tender” quantitative methods we will turn to those approaches which:

  • do not take operationalization to be a straightforward process,
  • can respect complexity, reciprocal causality and emergence,
  • refrain from hasty reifications of theoretical constructs, and
  • promote process-oriented analyses.

Important deadlines

  • Jan 17th – April 15th sessions proposals in;
  • Jan 17th – May 1st abstracts in;
  • May 1st sessions acceptance notification;
  • May 15th sessions abstracts final version submission;
  • June 1st abstracts acceptance notification.

Official website >> 

Open lecture „Language at the forefront of cognitive science: three lessons from Jan Baudouin de Courtenay” with dr Tomasz Bąk

We would like to invite everyone interested in the mind and the brain to our open inauguration lecture „Language at the forefront of cognitive science: three lessons from Jan Baudouin de Courtenay” with our distinguished guest speaker dr Tomasz Bąk, University of Edinburgh.

Since the very beginning of humankind up to the present day, study of language and its disorders has been at the forefront of the exploration of mind and brain.

Following life and work of JBdeC, one of the most distinguished Polish scientist of the early 20th Century with a strong connection to Warsaw, we will discover developments which have shaped and are still shaping cognitive science of our time. The event marks the inauguration of the new Master’s degree programme in Cognitive Science at the University of Warsaw: http://cogsci.uw.edu.pl/.

Given the interdisciplinary character of the talk and the Cognitive Science programme, we welcome everybody with interest in language, mind, brain and cognition, whatever your disciplinary background might be. The talk and discussion will be followed by food & drinks reception and exhibition on the life and works of Jan Baudouin de Courtenay.

October 17, 2019 | 17:45

Faculty of Psychology UW

Stawki 5/7, Warsaw

Room 408 (IV floor)



Upcoming events – October 1st & 2nd


October 1st:

11 AM: 2019-20 academic year opening ceremony at the Faculty of Psychology (lecture hall)
After the ceremony please proceed to the Dean’s Office (room 423) to collect your Electronic Student Identity Documents.
1 PM: Orientation meeting (room 93)
4 PM: CogSci integration meeting – Bobby Burger, Stawki 8 Str

October 2nd:
Beginning of classes

9th Aspects of the neuroscience Conference



Aspects of neuroscience is an annual scientific conference organized at the University of Warsaw by students and students associated with the Student Scientific Research Group of Neurobiology at the University of Warsaw.

An event combining sympathizers of neuroscience from different areas. There are students and scientists from the natural sciences, but also humanities, which emphasizes how interdisciplinary our initiative is.

The 9th Aspects of the neuroscience Conference, which will take place on November 22-24, 2019, will be the largest event in Poland related to neuroscience.

The conference brings together representatives of the world of science: students, doctoral students, scientists and guests of honor from all over Europe, who will give special lectures for the participants.

This year we have the pleasure to host scientists from such prestigious universities as Imperial College London or the University of Lisbon, representing fields such as psychiatry, neurophysiology, and psychology. According to tradition, a conference was divided into four thematic blocks: Neurobiology, Clinical, Cognitive, and Computational.

The conference aims to popularize Neuroscience, integrate Polish students and scientists from various fields. Expanding the horizons and competences of young people interested in neuroscience, enabling them to acquire not only theoretical but also practical knowledge, and above all to establish new contacts.

Apart from listening to lectures of our guests of honor and taking part in workshops, at our event students have the opportunity to present their research results to a wider audience during the poster session, during which the Scientific Council will select the most interesting works to be awarded. In our opinion, it has a key character when it comes to the development of young people involved in science. An active student is an ideal candidate for scientific cooperation for many guests of our conference and members of the Scientific Council.


Official website >>

Welcome meeting for all international students

Welcome Point would like to invite you for a welcome meeting for all international students who will start their studies at University of Warsaw in the academic year 2019/2020.

At the meeting you will learn the most important things about the University itself, basic rules and about possibilities that you will enjoy soon as members of the community. Moreover, you will get a welcome pack and an invitation to more events that are planned in October. It will be also a great opportunity to meet other fellow students. After the meetings we will invite you for a game and pub crawling with local students.

Meeting conducted in English will be held on 30 September (Monday) at the Main Campus:

  • Meeting in English – 10:00 am, Auditorium Minus (Old Library), aula
  • Meeting in Polish12:30, Auditorium Maximum, aula C

Participation in the meeting is free of charge upon registration through this online form (meeting in English): https://forms.gle/cqRDGoNJNrfz6xYT8 or this form (meeting in Polish): https://forms.gle/Zmby5WdKGfnBAMj9A.

Detailed programme will be published soon on the Welcome Point website: www.welcome.uw.edu.pl.

We invite you also to join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WelcomePointUW/

In case of any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Welcome Point UW: welcome@uw.edu.pl.


See You soon!

Welcome Point Team

Brainstorm 4.0 – konferencja naukowa [info in Polish]

SKN Neuropsychologii i Psychofizjologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego zaprasza na kolejną edycję ogólnopolskiej konferencji BRAINSTORM. Jej celem jest propagowanie wiedzy z zakresu szeroko pojętej neuronauki – dziedziny rozwijającej się niezwykle dynamicznie.

W trakcie konferencji zostaną zaprezentowane najnowsze wyniki badań wybitnych specjalistów, jak i osób rozpoczynających karierę naukową.


🗓 KIEDY? 26 października 2019

📍 GDZIE? Wydział Fizyki UW, ul. Pasteura 5, aula 0.06

🎭 DLA KOGO? Dla wszystkich zainteresowanych!

Zachęcamy szczególnie studentów i doktorantów do prezentacji własnych badań (prac rocznych empirycznych/magisterskich). Przewidywany czas każdej prezentacji to 10-15 minut.

Aby wziąć czynny udział w konferencji, należy przesłać abstrakt wystąpienia (w rejestracji). Informacja o zaakceptowaniu wystąpienia zostanie wysłana mailem.

❗️Link do rejestracji dla uczestników biernych i czynnych:


🔸 uczestnicy czynni (abstrakty) – do 31 sierpnia
🔸 uczestnicy bierni – do 30 września


Opłata konferencyjna* :
– dla uczestników czynnych: 70 zł
– dla uczestników biernych: 20 zł

* Opłata zawiera: materiały konferencyjne, przerwy kawowe, obiad

Dane do przelewu zostaną podane w mailu: konferencjabrainstorm@gmail.com


Więcej informacji >>

Open Day at the University of Warsaw

An important date to be noted in the calendar for all high school graduates! Spring in our university calendar is inherently associated with Open Day at the University of Warsaw. We invite you on April 27 to the historic Main Campus and at the same time to our recruitment stand. It will be an opportunity to talk about studying at the Faculty, asking questions about recruitment, as well as the sense of a unique atmosphere of the University of Warsaw! There will be a photo booth in which everyone can take a souvenir photo, UW gadgets, competitions and prizes.

The meeting for those interested in Cognitive Science (as part of the meeting about new MA studies at the University of Warsaw) will take place in the building of the Old University Library at 14:00 in room 215.

Feel free to join the facebook event >>

Any questions? You can write to Admission Office: admission@uw.edu.pl.