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Wykaz opłat za usługi edukacyjne dla studentów rozpoczynających studia w roku akademickim 2024/2025

Fees for educational services for students commencing studies in the 2024/2025 academic year


Annual tuition fee (per year; for students from outside the European Union member states, the Swiss Confederation, or member states of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) – parties to the European Economic Area agreement
One-time fee
3000 €
Repeating a year of study
Amount per year
The amount of fees for each repeated subject, but not more than 2500 PLN
Repeating a whole course –  fee according to the number of hours assigned to the course
Amount per 1 hr
10 PLN
Repeating the first semester of the Master’s seminar
Amount per semester
250 PLN
Repeating the Master’s seminar (from semester II to IV)
Amount per semester
1100 PLN
Repeating the research lab
Amount per semester
1100 PLN
Repeating the last cycle of diploma seminar in the case of resuming it within a period not exceeding two years from the date of deletion from the list of students due to failing to pass the last cycle of diploma seminar as a result of not submitting the diploma paper provided for in the programme of study
Amount per year
250 PLN
Classes not included in the study programme (i.e. classes not required to complete a given level of study according to the study programme) which the student enrolled in but did not complete
Amount per 1 hr
10 PLN