… is the most important document at the University regulating issues related to undertaking studies, graduation, student rights and obligations, organization of didactic classes, leaves during studies, resumption of studies, credits and exams, or repeating subjects or stages (semester or year). In addition, the regulations are a source of information about the competences of people and collective bodies dealing with didactics, quality of education and student matters.
The current regulations were adopted by the UW Senate on June 19, 2019. The content of the Regulations is subject to consultation with the UW Students’ Parliament. The regulations, both in Polish and in English, can be found in the Monitor UW (item 186). [link]
… are the documents adopted at the level of teaching units (e.g. faculties, colleges, etc.), detailing the organization of studies in particular fields of study. Detailed rules cannot be inconsistent with the University of Warsaw Studies Regulations.
The content of detailed study rules should be found on the website of your unit, pursuing a specific field of study. When looking for answers to bothering questions, you should look at both the detailed rules of study and the University of Warsaw Study Regulations. Detailed rules do not have to apply in every unit – in that case the University of Warsaw Study Regulations apply directly.
… a document containing a description of the field of study along with the classes and the assigned ECTS points, as well as information about the assumed learning outcomes, i.e. what we will learn and what skills we will have when we complete the program. The study program is adopted by the Senate of the University of Warsaw with the approval of the University Education Council, with an opinion of the Student Government.
… a study plan and a study program are often, in a conventional sense, used interchangeably, but most often on a daily basis we refer to the study plan, in which we will find information about what subjects and how many hours of them we will pursue in a given semester or year, and above all what requirements must be met in order to pass a given semester / year. It happens that students also study on the basis of an individual study plan, approved by their tutor or head of studies. The study plan should not be confused with the timetable – the timetable is the hourly – weekly or semester timetable of our classes for which we are registered.
The study program and, above all, the study plan should be available on the website of your unit. It is worth paying attention to whether we are looking at the appropriate study plan – it happens that they differ for individual years.
… is a description of the subject (classes), containing substantive content, i.e. what will happen in classes, learning outcomes, meaning what we will learn in the class; form of classes, i.e. how a specific subject will be conducted; information on the literature for students, credit conditions, the form of examination (including the re-sit exam) and information on the number of permitted absences subject to excuse, as well as the language of instruction and the number of ECTS points.
The syllabus is approved and announced by KJD (Head of the Teaching Unit) at least four months before the start of the semester.
The syllabus can be defined as an „agreement” between the instructor and participants of the classes, which specifies what the student can learn during the classes and what they must do to pass the classes – as a rule, it should not change, although there are situations in which a change must take place – in that case it should be communicated by the lecturer.
SOURCE: University of Warsaw Study Regulations
1) participate through their representatives in adopting resolutions by the University’s collective bodies on the terms specified in the Statute;
2) participate through their representatives in solving individual problems of students related to the course of study;
3) submit postulates regarding study programs and plans as well as other matters related to the course of studies and personal development of students;
4) evaluate the education process;
5) evaluate the work of administrative units providing support for the course of studies and formulate conclusions regarding this work;
6) perform periodic evaluation of the work of KJD and the head of study;
7) signal problems important for the University community;
8) use the assistance of the Academic Ombudsman or the Student Rights Ombudsman.
9) acquire knowledge and skills and developing interests by using the full didactic offer of the University, including participation in classes in other fields of study or other study stages than the one for which he is registered;
10) participate in scientific research and use the University’s support in the preparation and implementation of research projects;
11) use consultations conducted by academic teachers during their duty hours available to students of all forms of study;
12) carry out part of the study program at another university or national or foreign institution;
13) justify absences from classes and exams;
14) use the University’s support in designing a professional career, taking up an internship or apprenticeship;
15) use the collections of the University library and information system;
16) use the material base of the University;
17) access the information that is the basis for the settlement of the stage of studies, collected in the IT system of study services;
18) receive a justification for the grade issued by an academic teacher;
19) access their personal file;
20) access normative acts concerning the rights and obligations of students;
21) training by the student government in the field of student rights and obligations.
22) associate in student organizations.
Any violation of the above-mentioned rights may be reported to: the Academic Ombudsman, Commission of Didactics and Education Quality or the Student Ombudsman.
1) acquire knowledge and skills;
2) respect the dignity of all members of the University community and good academic practices;
3) take care of the good name of the University;
4) ethically obtain credits for classes and prepare final and diploma theses with respect for copyright;
5) obey the generally applicable law and the provisions in force at the University;
6) respect the property of the University.
7) participate in classes and credits, and take exams in accordance with the study program and plan;
8) fulfill the obligations towards the University in a timely manner, in particular pay the due fees, enroll in classes included in the study plan and make connections;
9) immediately notify the authorities of the teaching unit about the change of name, address and other relevant data, especially affecting the receipt of scholarships and other types of financial benefits;
10) use the assigned e-mail account with the domain identified with the University and the IT system of study services
ECTS points
How many ECTS points do you need to earn?
What is a condition?
Condition, or „conditional entry”. It is granted to a student who has not completed the course (s) required at a given stage (year / semester) of studies. In that case the student is conditionally transferred to the next year / semester of study – he has to repeat the failed subject and pass it.
Applications concerning individual student matters
- course retake or repeating a year
- individual organisation of studies (IOS)
- modification of the linking of the courses
- fees reduction
- resumption of studies
- taking a leave
- the conducting of an exam by a commission
Applications in each case should contain a justification. In case that you have any doubts concerning content of the application, we encourage you to contact the teaching and learning council.
How to file an application?
In many UW units, it is possible to file an application through the USOS system (USOS – student’s section – applications). For some applications, there are sample versions on the USOS website. Note that this only concerns applications that do not require the issue of an administrative decision. Applications that do require such decision, must be filed in a paper version.
If you do not wish to file an application through USOS, you may always do it in paper version. In such case, when you file the application in the dean’s/secretary’s office, you should have its photocopy, and request a confirmation of receival (on the photocopy).