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Rules of the diplomacy process

Detailed rules of the diplomacy process in Cognitive Science

Rules for selecting the thesis supervisor

  1. The student chooses the thesis supervisor from among academic teachers authorized to manage the theses in accordance with the rules set out in § 24 paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Study Regulations at the University of Warsaw (Resolution No. 441 of June 19, 2019). This choice is reported to the diploma seminar coordinator and confirmed by the person in charge no later than by the end of the penultimate semester for first-cycle studies and no later than by the end of the first semester for second-cycle studies.
  2. At the student’s request, the Teaching Council may authorize a specialist from outside the University of Warsaw to manage his or her diploma thesis. In such a case, the Teaching Council shall at the same time appoint an authorized academic teacher from the units conducting the course, indicating the main tutor and the auxiliary tutor, and determining the division of tutors’ work.


Rules for choosing the topic of the thesis

  1. The subject of the thesis is determined by the student in consultation with the thesis supervisor.
  2. The subject of the diploma paper must be consistent with the study profile, level of education and the discipline or disciplines to which the course of study is assigned.
  3. The persons managing the diploma theses and the subject of the diploma theses are subject to approval by the Teaching Council, and must be reported to the Council using the form available on the website of the teaching unit organizing education in a given field of study no later than by the end of the penultimate semester of classes in the case of first-cycle studies, and no later than by the last day of classes of the second semester in the case of master’s studies. .
  4. The subject of the diploma thesis shall be changed on the basis of an application submitted by the student and given an opinion by the thesis supervisor.
  5. Change of subject each time requires the approval of the Teaching Council.
  6. In justified cases, it is possible to change the person in charge of the thesis. The application for a change of the thesis supervisor is approved by the Teaching Council.


Thesis requirements

  1. Rules for bachelor’s work:
  • The Bachelor’s thesis is evidence of the preparation of the student for scientific research.
  • Bachelor’s thesis should have a review and research character – it should consist in the formulation and verification of research hypotheses or theses by the student using observations, analyses of source materials, theoretical or empirical research.
  • Bachelor’s thesis must meet certain formal and substantive criteria. The student should demonstrate the ability to collect, verify and select bibliographic sources, the knowledge and ability to apply modern research methods and tools from a given discipline or disciplines on a chosen research body, as well as the ability to properly organize his statement (completeness of theses, division of content, order of chapters, etc.).
  • The substantive part of the bachelor’s thesis should consist of a theoretical introduction, description of methods and procedures used in the conducted research, results and their discussion and conclusions.
  1. Rules for the thesis:
  • Master’s thesis proves the student’s ability to conduct research independently.
  • Masters thesis should be of research character: experimental, programming, computational or analytical.
  • The theoretical part of the thesis should contain a description of the theoretical context constituting a comprehensive set of premises for formulated theses or hypotheses, including a reliable review of contemporary literature on the subject.
  • The research part should describe the method in a way that allows replication of the research. The results of measurements and observations should be analyzed by means of advanced methods adapted to the specificity of the studied phenomena.
  • The summary part should first of all include a record of conclusions leading to the verification of previously formulated theses, hypotheses or calculation model results. It is recommended that, on the basis of the obtained results, attempts be made to formulate new research problems within the limits of the adopted theoretical model.
  1. As a thesis, a scientific article can be presented which meets the following conditions:
  • The article has to be prepared by the student individually or in co-authorship as the first author, but the student’s workload has to include preparation and conduct of the research described in the article, conducting statistical analyses on their own and writing the text (the percentage should exceed 60%);
  • The article must be published or accepted for printing in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, which has been assigned at least 70 points in the list of scientific journals of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
  • An application for recognition of a published scientific article as a thesis should be submitted to the Teaching Council. The application should be accompanied by statements, if any, of the other co-authors of the article, precisely specifying their workload contributed to the text.


Formal requirements for the thesis

  1. Rules for bachelor’s work:
  • Bachelor’s thesis can be prepared in Polish or English, in the volume agreed with the supervisor.
  • Apart from the substantive part, the Bachelor’s thesis should contain the title page, abstract (100-200 words), table of contents, list of cited literature and possible attachments.
  • The first three pages of the Bachelor’s thesis (including the title page) should be prepared in accordance with the guidelines published by the competent body of the University of Warsaw and the template contained on the page of the teaching unit organizing the course.
  1. Rules for the thesis:
  • The thesis is prepared in English, in the volume agreed with the thesis supervisor.
  • The Master’s thesis should be prepared in accordance with editorial standards appropriate for a given area of cognitive science.
  • In addition to the substantive part, the thesis should include the title page, abstract (100-200 words), table of contents, list of cited literature and possible attachments.
  • The first three pages of the thesis (including the title page) should be prepared in accordance with the guidelines described in the Ordinance of the Rector of the University of Warsaw of 18 May 2006 and the template contained on the page of the teaching unit organizing the course.

Tasks of the academic teacher in charge of the thesis

  1. An academic teacher can manage a maximum of 9 theses (of which a maximum of 6 MA theses) per academic year. The Teaching Council may increase this limit in justified cases.
  2. The Teaching Council recommends to the heads of organizational units how to determine the minimum workload of an academic teacher related to the management of the thesis and how to take this workload into account in the settlement of regular and irregular hours.
  3. The person directing the thesis supervises the progress of the thesis so as to enable it to be written in accordance with the requirements presented in § 3 and § 4. In particular, the person directing the thesis:
  4. takes care of the substantive, methodical and formal correctness of the thesis;
  5. regularly meets with the student.
  6. The thesis supervisor is obliged to read the thesis twice and give the student detailed feedback on the given version.
  7. If the work is managed by more than one person, the supervisor shares the tasks listed in paragraphs 3 and 4.


§ 6
Criteria for evaluation of the thesis

  1. Each thesis is evaluated separately by a supervisor and a reviewer appointed by EUH.
  2. In case the thesis is directed by more than one person, the main supervisor of the thesis prepares a review and issues an evaluation (in consultation with the assistant supervisor).
  3. An independent assessment is issued by the job reviewer, preparing his review. Reviews of the work should substantiate the issued assessment in a factual, complete and accurate manner.
  4. The Supervisor and the reviewer of the thesis make an assessment, using the scale of assessments specified in § 34. 2. of the Rules of Studies at the University of Warsaw.
    1. Evaluation is made by filling in a review form of the thesis in the Archive of Diploma Works.
    2. The review form, containing detailed evaluation criteria, is attached as Annex 1 to these Principles.


Deadline for providing students with reviews of theses

  1. Reviews of diploma theses are entered into the electronic system and made available to the student not later than 3 days before the set date of the diploma examination.
  2. At the justified request of the student and with the consent of EUH the date mentioned in section 1 may be shortened.


Detailed rules for conducting the diploma examination

  1. The diploma examination is conducted by a committee appointed by EUH, which is composed of at least three persons: the chairman appointed by EUH, thesis supervisor and a reviewer. Detailed rules are specified in § 49 of the Rules of Studies at the University of Warsaw.
  2. The examination committee has the right to sit on the examination committee with the right to ask questions.
  3. The aim of the diploma examination is to test the diplomat’s skills in a broadly understood field of issues related to the area in which his or her thesis is located, and in particular the ability to present these issues in an interdisciplinary manner, using the conceptual and methodological apparatus of various disciplines that make up cognitive science.
  4. The diploma examination is conducted in oral form. In justified cases, it is allowed to conduct the examination using electronic communicators. The decision in this case is made by EUH.
  5. Diploma examination consists of two parts: presentation of the paper by the student and the part where the student gives answers to questions prepared by the committee.
  6. The committee prepares three examination questions checking the realization of the learning outcomes provided for the given program of studies, one question concerns the issues raised in the diploma paper, the remaining questions concern problems from the area where the diploma paper is located.
  7. The final grade for the diploma examination is determined as the arithmetic mean of the grades of answers to all questions and grades from the presentation.
  8. A student is obliged to repeat the diploma exam in its entirety within the deadline set by EUH.
  9. The task of the chairperson of the committee is to draw up a protocol, which is signed by members of the examination committee, and to supervise the course of the examination and the completeness of documentation.


Detailed rules for monitoring the diplomacy process

  1. The Teaching Council shall appoint for the duration of its term of office a Team for monitoring the diplomacy process. All students and academics may submit written grades and conclusions about the diplomacy system to the Team.
  2. The Diplomacy Monitoring Team:
    1. analyze the compliance of the procedure, results and documentation of diploma exams with the rules adopted by the Council for conducting these exams,
    2. in cases where doubts have been raised, or where the difference in assessment between the reviewer and the the thesis supervisor was at least two grades, conducts an analysis of the review and assessment of the diploma paper taking into account material criteria (such as the relevance and accuracy of the justification for the assessment of the diploma paper);
  1. The team may be supported by opinions of members of diploma committees and independent specialists.
  2. Within one month from the beginning of the academic year the Team for Monitoring the Diplomacy Process prepares an evaluation of the functioning of the diploma system together with possible proposals for changes and presents it to the Teaching Council. The evaluation is based on data recorded in the IT system and student files, opinions and conclusions addressed to the Team by students and academic teachers, as well as analyses of reviews and examination documentation.


Procedures for the implementation of corrective actions or improvement of the diplomacy process

  1. The analyses referred to in point 1. 2 § 9, are conducted annually with reference to the previous academic year.
  2. A report containing the results of the analyses and information on the planned corrective or improvement actions for the diplomacy process is sent by the Teaching Council to the University Council for Education by the end of the semester following the academic year which is the subject of these analyses.

Szczegółowe zasady dyplomowania na kierunku Cognitive science w języku polskim.